What is Self Talk?

What is “Self-Talk”? Does anyone remember being told, ‘talking to yourself is the first sign of madness’? Well, if it is, we are all a little bit mad. But this is not the point. Talking to yourself is one of the ways we relate to our inner world and make sense of our experience. And…

A little anxiety is a good thing …

… a lot is a problem Anxiety is all about perceived danger, not actual danger. Hard to distinguish based on feelings alone. Some of us suffer anxiety and it can be debilitating. It can stop us take necessary risks in every day life. It can interfere with our futures, our relationships, our work and block…

Do you … fight fair?

Over the years I have shared space on ‘the couch’ with many couples experiencing ‘conflict’. It is believe it or not, one of the way human beings do intimacy or closeness. We have sat together and tried to untangle that finger of blame from what each person’s Authentic Self is really trying to say. You…

Today is/was World Bi Polar Day

Life is made up of highs and lows, isn’t it? This is just life, isn’t it? Most of us experience a variety of moods and feelings in every day life. Feelings like frustration, joy and anger are part of what it means to be human and for most of us these moods last maybe one…

Forget Men are from Mars & Women are from Venus …

The real divide in the world is the one that exists between introverts and extroverts. How can you tell if you are an introvert or an extrovert? The simplest way to sort this out is to ask yourself the following question … “Do I feel energised and restored being around others? Or by myself?” If…

Do you ever find yourself …

PROCRASTINATING?! A procrastinator is a person who delays or puts things off — like work, chores, or other actions — that should be done in a timely manner. A procrastinator is likely to leave all the Christmas shopping until December 24th. Procrastinator comes from the Latin verb procrastinare, which means deferred until tomorrow. Some of…

Interview with Leroy & Emma from Light FM …

About the Ups & Downs of being ‘in relationship’ Being in a relationship does not, despite popular belief, actually cause ‘unhappiness’. It does however point a bright spotlight on unhappiness, emotional pain and wounding that was already there. Being in relationship is like looking in to a mirror which shows you accurately and constantly the…

Do you know a ‘Highly Sensitive’ Person?

Yes – it is a real thing Some of us are just more sensitive than others and rather than being a deficit or something to be embarrassed about – it is a gift. Sensitive people literally perceive more than others. They have a vibrant imagination and detailed internal world … just to name a few.…